
We recommend having admin permissions while installing Zendesk, but these are not required.
1Go to Integrations.
2Select Zendesk and login through the Zendesk authentication flow.

Workspace Configuration

You can read more below about creating different helpdesk escalation rules by customer or groups of customers.

Configuration Options

When you connect Zendesk, you can sync messages from Slack in one of 3 primary ways:

  1. Fully Automated: every customer thread from a connected channel will create a helpdesk ticket
  2. Manual Escalation: customer threads with an escalation shortcut will create a helpdesk ticket. The escalation shortcut can be a reactji on the thread, an @mention (like @Support) used in the message or thread, or a keyword (like help) used in the message of thread.
  3. Manual Escalation with Form Inputs: customer threads with an escalation shortcut will prompt the user to input more information in a Slack form. The form must be submitted in order for helpdesk tickets to be created, and the escalation shotcuts used are the same as in Option #2.
We typically recommend automated escalation settings for teams where Slack is the primary support channel for customers, and where customer conversations are typically support-based (vs conversational or informal on other topics like calendar coordination.)

Setting up Automated Escalation

  1. Go to Zendesk Integration Settings
  2. Select Create helpdesk tickets when any thread is created by an external customer.
  3. Determine whether you also want to populate CSAT into a custom Zendesk field (optional). If you don’t sync CSAT to a Zendesk field, you can still view CSAT metrics on your Channeled dashboard.
  4. Save your settings.

Setting up Manual Escalation

  1. Go to Zendesk Integration Settings
  2. Select Create helpdesk tickets when a specific @mention, keyword, or emoji is used.
  3. Set your emoji shortcut, @mention, or keyword. You can populate any or all of these (you don’t need all three populated).
  4. Customize an auto-response that will respond to the user in Slack when the helpdesk escalation path is used.
  5. Determine whether you also want to populate CSAT into a custom Zendesk field (optional). If you don’t sync CSAT to a Zendesk field, you can still view CSAT metrics on your Channeled dashboard.
  6. Save your settings.

Setting up Manual Escalation with a Form

  1. Go to Zendesk Integration Settings
  2. Select Create helpdesk tickets when a specific @mention, keyword, or emoji is used.
  3. Set your emoji shortcut, @mention, or keyword. You can populate any or all of these (you don’t need all three populated).
  4. Customize an auto-response that will respond to the user in Slack when the helpdesk escalation path is used. This usually is a prompt that asks the user for more information via a form button.
  5. Customize your form button CTA (e.g “Create a ticket”)
  6. Determine what form fields are required from Zendesk in order for a ticket to be created. You can relabel field names from Zendesk, add hint text, and customize the success message that shows up when the form is submitted.
  7. Determine whether you also want to populate CSAT into a custom Zendesk field (optional). If you don’t sync CSAT to a Zendesk field, you can still view CSAT metrics on your Channeled dashboard.
  8. Save your settings.

Channel Exclusions

You may want to create exceptions to the workspace-level/global setting for specific channels.


  1. Create a channel list for the group of channels you want to create exclusions/exceptions to the global rule for by selecting New Channel List.
  2. Name and save your channel list with your selected channels.
  3. Create your exception-case rules in the Customize Helpdesk Settings section, then save your list settings.